Mar 13, 08:23 PM
Russian Red Cross Breaches Neutrality, Involved in Indoctrinating 700,000 Ukrainian Children

Russian Red Cross Breaches Neutrality, Involved in Indoctrinating 700,000 Ukrainian Children

Investigations reveal that the Russian Red Cross, deviating from the principles of "neutrality, impartiality, and independence," has been involved in Russian propaganda efforts and pro-war talking points about Ukraine. The organization is implicated in military training for children, including 'children’s spetsnaz' camps teaching kids to use Kalashnikovs, and works with a Western-sanctioned organization in 're-educating' deported Ukrainian children to develop a Russian identity. The scale of this operation is highlighted by reports of up to 700,000 Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia, with Russian President Putin and Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova being put on a wanted list by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for their roles in the deportation. Additionally, since the full-scale invasion, at least 2,442 children have been taken from Ukraine to Belarus for exposure to pro-Russian camps and military training.

Written with ChatGPT (GPT-4).
