Feb 21, 08:44 PM
House Passes Uyghur Policy Act, Introduces Subterranean Border Defense Act

House Passes Uyghur Policy Act, Introduces Subterranean Border Defense Act

  • Rep Andy Biggs
  • Rep. Eli Crane
  • Ami Bera, M.D.

Recently, bipartisan efforts in the House of Representatives have led to the introduction and support of significant legislation aimed at addressing various issues, including the safeguarding of the Uyghur community and enhancing border security. The House voted overwhelmingly to pass the Uyghur Policy Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Bera, to protect the ethnic, religious, and cultural identity of the Uyghur people. Concurrently, GOP Rep. Eli Crane and Dem Rep. Lou Correa introduced the Subterranean Border Defense Act, requiring the federal government to provide annual reports on the discovery of illicit cross-border tunnels to Congress. This legislation, supported by multiple representatives including Rep. Luttrell and Rep. Andy Biggs, aims to address the growing threat of smuggling tunnels along the southern border, with more than 140 tunnels discovered since 1990. The bill seeks to mandate increased oversight on counter-tunnel operations, highlighting the bipartisan commitment to national security and human rights.

Written with ChatGPT (GPT-4).
