Story Timeline
•Latest version
String Bio Develops Methane Conversion Technology, Yeast with Synthetic DNA, Designer Yeast Chromosomes, and Cannabinoids in Bioreactors
String Bio Converts Methane into Valuable Products; Biologists Create Yeast with Synthetic DNA; THC and CBD Grown in Bioreactors; Yeast DNA Rewritten; Yeast Gene Networks Reconstructed
Scientists Create Yeast Strain with Over 50% Synthetic DNA, Paving the Way for Synthetic Genome and Brewing Cannabinoids in Bioreactors
Biologists Create Yeast Strain with Over 50% Synthetic DNA, Designer Chromosomes, and Chromosome XI in Major Step Towards Synthetic Genome
•Original version
Scientists Develop New Method for Engineering Cells, Create Yeast Strain with Over 50% Synthetic DNA