May 10, 12:54 PM
FreedomWorks Closure Confirms GOP Shift to Trump's Populism

FreedomWorks Closure Confirms GOP Shift to Trump's Populism

  • The Gateway Pundit
  • Jonah Goldberg
  • spiked

The closure of FreedomWorks, a key libertarian organization, marks a significant shift in the American political landscape, reflecting the growing influence of Donald Trump's populist approach within the GOP. This development follows the earlier withdrawal of Americans for Prosperity from efforts to oppose Trump in the GOP presidential primary, further underscoring the decline of big-tent libertarianism in favor of right-wing populism. Analysts and insiders attribute the demise of these libertarian institutions not only to Trump's dominance but also to a strategic withdrawal by donors, indicating a broader disinterest in libertarian principles in the current political climate. The fates of both organizations confirmed the victory of right-wing populism over big-tent libertarianism.

Written with ChatGPT (GPT-4).
