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    Property Tax Increases Spark Outrage in Germany, With Johann Smid Facing 17 Times and Folker Deinert Paying €3,400
    • Chicago Tribune
    • WDR aktuell
    • Schwäbische Zeitung
    9 days ago
    Property Tax Increases Spark Outrage in Germany, With Johann Smid Facing 17 Times and Folker Deinert Paying €3,400

    A wave of discontent has emerged among millions in Germany regarding new property tax assessments, with some reporting increases of over 500%. Notably, Johann Smid from Groothusen has been informed that he will need to pay 17 times more for his Gulfhof property. In Cologne, property owner Folker Deinert faces a dramatic rise in his tax bill, now nearly €3,400, which is more than 30 times what he previously paid. These substantial hikes have raised concerns about the implications for property owners and the overall real estate market.