John Woo, the renowned action director, is making his return with a new film called "Silent Night." The movie is set to be released on December 1. The trailer for the film has been released, showcasing a wordless, action-packed story. "Silent Night" stars Joel Kinnaman as a grieving vigilante seeking revenge for the death of his son. The film is almost dialogue-free and relies on visuals and music to tell the story. In addition to Kinnaman, the cast includes Catalina Sandino Moreno, Scott "Kid Cudi" Mescudi, and Harold Torres. This is Woo's first American directorial effort in 20 years. The trailer has received positive reviews, with many praising the action and the unique approach of a dialogue-free movie. Overall, the anticipation for John Woo's return and "Silent Night" is high among fans of the director and action movie enthusiasts.