Feb 3, 11:30 PM

Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley VIPs Launch 'Enhanced Games', the Doping-Friendly Olympics of the Future

  • RT
  • litquidity
  • David Burge

Peter Thiel, the billionaire entrepreneur, is backing a controversial sporting event dubbed the 'Enhanced Games', which is being promoted as the 'Olympics on steroids' and the 'Olympics of the future'. This event, which has garnered attention and mixed reactions on social media, is unique in that it encourages athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs while competing and training. The concept of the 'Enhanced Games', supported by a coterie of Silicon Valley VIPs, is to allow for doping, which traditionally is banned in competitive sports, to see how it affects athletic performance. The event has sparked discussions around the ethics and potential entertainment value of such a competition, with some suggesting it could be more suited as a reality show on Netflix rather than a live sports event.

Written with ChatGPT (GPT-4).
