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CoinSpot and Poloniex Hacked: 1283 ETH Drained, $2M and $60M Lost, Private Key Compromise Suspected, $2.5M Fat Fingered

  • CoinDesk
  • Watcher.Guru
  • Cointelegraph

14 postsChatGPT (GPT-4)


Crypto exchanges CoinSpot and Poloniex have been targeted by hackers, resulting in significant losses. CoinSpot lost approximately $2 million, with 1283 ETH drained from its wallets, which were then converted to BTC. The attacker, identified as 0x326d, is suspected to have compromised a private key, according to CertiK. Poloniex, owned by Justin Sun, lost over $60 million. Assets were transferred from the address '0xA910' to a new address '0x0A59' and converted to ETH and TRX. A mishap occurred when the Poloniex hacker accidentally sent $2.5M to the token contract. Sun has confirmed the attack and pledged to fully reimburse the affected funds.


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